Born into a fourth generation Washington family and a third generation Washington real estate family, Lynn grew up on development sites from subdivisions in Montgomery County, to high-rise DC buildings and single family homes. Lynn was raised in a family with a passion for architecture, preservation, community, smart development and a core belief that there is a home for everyone. Her family’s preservation, restoration, and continual management of the Historic 6th & I Synagogue epitomizes our commitment to community and the architectural landscape of DC. Lynn has spent her career working to serve her clients' needs with a dedication to understand what it is they are truly looking for. She has over 27 years experience as a Meditator and strongly believes that a lifetime dedication to the art of Mindfulness serves to get her clients through this process with patience, peace, and an attention to detail that marks her clients' experience with her. Together with you, Lynn will help find your new home that feels just right for you.
Phone: 202.528.3863 Email: [email protected]